Queer Decks
Our team put together this list of decks by Queer creators and with Queer representation. Although this is no where near a comprehensive list of Queer Decks, it is somewhere to start. Some of these decks are Out-of-Print (OOP) but deserve to be mentioned. Each deck should be linked but if there are any issues please let us know.
#Landback Tarot and Oracle of Colonization (OOP)
Dark Days Tarot and Other decks
Delta Enduring Tarot (OOP)
Hand Me That Pencil Deck Collection
Liminal 11 (Most of their catalogue)
Lubanko Tarot (OOP)
Mesquite Tarot (OOP)
My Garden Deck (OOP)
Numinous tarot & Threadbound Oracle
Queers and Queens Tarot (OOP)
Shrine of the Black Medusa Tarot
Slow Holler (OOP)
Twilyt Dreams Tarot (OOP)